Dubai Municipality has completed the first phase of the network of hotlines between the public and the Municipality Call Centre.
Khalid AbdelRahim, Director of Customer Relations Department said the first phase of the project included the installation of hotlines in a number of public utilities such as the Creek Park, Jumeirah Beach Park, Safa Park, Dubai Central Vegetables and Fruits market, and the fish market.
"This project is an initiative of Dubai Municipality to manage the relationship with its customers. Visitors to these public utilities can communicate directly with the Municipality Call Centre just by lifting the handset of the phone. Through this service they can make any comments or lodge any complaints or offer any developmental suggestions about the services of these facilities in general and on any other service of Dubai Municipality," he said.
"The Municipality Call Centre has been programmed to give priority to calls received through the hotlines, as it is convinced of the importance of the fact that the municipality needs to respond to these calls as quickly as desired," said AbdelRahim.
During the past five months, the Centre received more than 13,000 calls from the visitors through hotlines and most of these calls were instant remarks related to these facilities, he said.
"These calls were dealt with instantly through the corporate communications system for dealing with the public calls in the Municipality. These hotlines actually encouraged the visitors to communicate with the Call Centre in a flexible and faster way as those hotlines were installed at the main entrances of these facilities and at sites of concentration of services and the public at such facilities," said AbdelRahim.
He added that during 2008 the Municipality Call Centre received more than half a million calls and more than 68,000 reports from the public and more than 80% of them were accomplished within the time frame.
AbdelRahim stressed that Dubai Municipality would like to be a hotline channel by adding this new effective package to the existing channels of communication between the public and the Municipality.
People can contact with the Municipality's organizational units online, through the toll free number 800900 of the Municipality Call Centre, the Suggestions System, the Complaints System, the Reporting System, and the IVR system.
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